Saturday, 1 March 2025


Yes... I know its long after Christmas, and Lent begins next week... But... I recently read a rport from Medecins Sans Frontieres that echoed a letter from the Church Mission Society where both organisations were surprised to find the chaos and humanitarian chrisis unfolding again in Sudan and Darfur is not being mentioned in the media at all and too many government cuts in aid recently have severely exacerbated the trauma being inflicted on so many people in this region of Africa... Hence this prayer painting... which I painted well over a decade ago during a similar crisis in Darfur and Sudan...

Our Amazing Doggiewog

Some of you have seen my daughter with her assistance dog since they have both recently come here to live with me...Her dog is very friendly, but when wearing her "assistance dog" outfit she is clearly working ! and needs to be left to get on with her job. Its been quite a revelation for me to see just how sensitive and helpful a dog like this can be... maybe one day I will beocme well trained enough to take her out for a walk too :}... but that is probably some long time in the future! [ dont they say its difficult to teach san old dog new tricks ? Well, I suppose as I'm now an octogenerian, that refers to me :{ OOps !! Oh dear...