Sunday 8 December 2013

Middle Eastern Nativity Carol

I have just watched and listened to this beautiful carol from the Advent Calendar on
 Embrace the Middle East website... 

click this link: 

and listen to the Byzantine Nativity, whilst watching photos and ancient icons

from Egypt / Sinai / Bethlehem and Syria.

I found this very moving, especially after all the news from Syria

and after reading "Once Upon a Country " by Sari Nusseibeh

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Waiting...awaiting... ?

What a contrast!  All the news reports of "Cyber Monday" and the great buying spree ... and I was just gathering thoughts together about "Waiting... awaiting... "  and RS Thomas: "the meaning is in the waiting..."

What kind of Advent painting to begin?  ...mulling it over whilst cleaning the bathroom...hoovering...
 possibly the profile of a pregnant woman ?
 For me that would symbolize new life, hope, an expectant waiting...
...a long term awaiting...
for what ?  what are we really waiting and hoping for in our lives ? our society ? the world ?

"What am I expecting? "... this painting has just come through on a blog link:

and Ive just come across an Advent Calendar  about people in the Middle East: