Tuesday 19 January 2016

"Come and see..."


Glimpses of Jesus in St John’s Gospel

With paintings by artists around the world
to give new insight and lead us into silence

by Jyoti Sahi...cp John 1 v 14

the more you look at some paintings, the more you see...
....and the same could be said of St John's Gospel...

especially if you look for hints of the portrait the author paints of Jesus

We shall spend time looking especially at Jesus' encounters with people like Nicodemus, the Samaritan woman at the well and several others, as recounted in John's Gospel and highlighted through the eyes of artists who communicate fresh insight from their own cultural background. 

This will not be an academic theological or art history discourse !

I will merely be like a prompter... giving you plenty of silence to look at each painting, with just a little background, quoting from the Gospel, and allowing time for meditation.

Five Thursday Evenings : April 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th & May 12th.
a small group at our home in Wivenhoe

please email: janet@janetdriver.co.uk  

if you are interested in booking a place: the number we can comfortably fit into our room is naturally limited...

 advance booking is essential.

added Jan 21st 2016:
something else you might be interested in...click here to read a BBC article about the Lampedusa Cross...

Sunday 3 January 2016

At last a break in the downpour, and I rush out to check whether rain has come through the studio roof

 ...on the way I notice flecks of white on our young almond tree & can hardly believe its blossom already...

only the other day the pigeons were eating our crab-apples, as though it was still midwinter...

Now its Spring already ?

right at the beginning of the new year ?

Well, 2015 has been the warmest year globally.. and we have never known a warmer December...

Looking at continued reports of flooding, relentless as the rain, I just hope politicians live up to their Climate Change rhetoric: encouraging Solar & Renewable energy sources instead of killing them off.

 "...its do-able.."  [1]

 Yes... but only if we act fast...

and the devastating floods in the North of England & Scotland should give a strong incentive & warning kick-start !

...or...what indeed will we tell our grandchildren ?              

 [if you missed the speech to which I am referring...see 1 below]

[1] pm speech to the COP21 climate change summit in Paris.: click this link for full text: