I have just watched and listened to this beautiful carol from the Advent Calendar on
Embrace the Middle East website...
click this link: http://www.embraceme.org/8-dec
and listen to the Byzantine Nativity, whilst watching photos and ancient icons
from Egypt / Sinai / Bethlehem and Syria.
I found this very moving, especially after all the news from Syria
and after reading "Once Upon a Country " by Sari Nusseibeh
Sunday, 8 December 2013
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Waiting...awaiting... ?
What a contrast! All the news reports of "Cyber Monday" and the great buying spree ... and I was just gathering thoughts together about "Waiting... awaiting... " and RS Thomas: "the meaning is in the waiting..."
What kind of Advent painting to begin? ...mulling it over whilst cleaning the bathroom...hoovering...
possibly the profile of a pregnant woman ?
For me that would symbolize new life, hope, an expectant waiting...
...a long term awaiting...
for what ? what are we really waiting and hoping for in our lives ?
...in our society ?
...in the world ?
"What am I expecting? "... this painting has just come through on a blog link:
and Ive just come across an Advent Calendar about people in the Middle East: http://www.embraceme.org/advent-calendar
What kind of Advent painting to begin? ...mulling it over whilst cleaning the bathroom...hoovering...
possibly the profile of a pregnant woman ?
For me that would symbolize new life, hope, an expectant waiting...
...a long term awaiting...
for what ? what are we really waiting and hoping for in our lives ?
...in our society ?
...in the world ?
"What am I expecting? "... this painting has just come through on a blog link:
and Ive just come across an Advent Calendar about people in the Middle East: http://www.embraceme.org/advent-calendar
Saturday, 23 November 2013
Retrospective on All Saints Day... Ive just found this beautiful poem: stmarysnews.wordpress.com
and scroll down to All Saints
among other interesting things en route !
and scroll down to All Saints
among other interesting things en route !
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
A Stir Up Sunday Christmas Cake for a nearby church has got me thinking life at the moment is full of a wide mix of ingredients: wet towels hanging ever wetter on the washing line as the rain sleets down; yesterday's glorious sunshine golden autumnal trees & intriguing craft stalls; lovely silence group; a painting slowly growing layer on layer: deep reds & purples and brilliant orange-red dawn, looking forward to Easter; but in early morning bumper to bumper traffic crawling slowly downhill, dawn sunshine lights up a vista of buildings through the mist & thinking of the Philippines disaster, I suddenly imagined all these buildings flattened & a surge of flood water 5 m above high tide pouring up river, submerging the cars below.. how would we ever cope? Then I read about the way climate warming has been miscalculated, leaving out temperature rises in the Arctic, leaving decision makers thinking it can be ignored as it seems to be going away .http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/climate-change/exposed-the-myth-of-the-global-warming-pause-8945607.html
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Calm after the Storm
It feels quite odd after all that raging wind to see blue skies and feel the warmth of the sun.
Looking through the news pictures of fallen trees & huge waves & hearing of lives suddenly lost, it seems we have been incredibly fortunate not to live just a few miles further north. Even just down the road a small tree snapped in half and several trees were still leaning brokenly onto one another. Everyone has their own story, but I was surprised how critical some comments were of those working away to get trees safely down & restore power lines tangled up in their branches. I do feel for those who had to close down their shops & cafes, and elderly people all waiting for power to be restored, but how can something like this just have a quick fix ?
All these storms around the world in recent years seem to be a real wake up call to tackle climate change.
I read an interview with Bill McKibben, climate change campaigner : "My worst fear is that human beings wont put up a real fight against climate change. But I hope that we'll fight..." read more at www.churchtimes.co.uk click on Features / Interviews/...
Looking through the news pictures of fallen trees & huge waves & hearing of lives suddenly lost, it seems we have been incredibly fortunate not to live just a few miles further north. Even just down the road a small tree snapped in half and several trees were still leaning brokenly onto one another. Everyone has their own story, but I was surprised how critical some comments were of those working away to get trees safely down & restore power lines tangled up in their branches. I do feel for those who had to close down their shops & cafes, and elderly people all waiting for power to be restored, but how can something like this just have a quick fix ?
All these storms around the world in recent years seem to be a real wake up call to tackle climate change.
I read an interview with Bill McKibben, climate change campaigner : "My worst fear is that human beings wont put up a real fight against climate change. But I hope that we'll fight..." read more at www.churchtimes.co.uk click on Features / Interviews/...
Thursday, 17 October 2013
Geedon Gallery
Ive just visited the Autumn Exhibition at Geedon Gallery, near Fingringhoe, Essex
Its well worth a visit...but hurry...this exhibition ends on Sunday 20th Oct !
there are bird & animal sculptures that are a delight
and some really beautiful paintings
there are a lot of exhibits...
.but just pause for breath...
and soon you will be able to just zone in on one or two favorites...
savour them slowly...
there are sofas & chairs for pausing & waiting till ... off you go again ...
I still have several paintings and delightful sculptures in my minds eye...
Its well worth a visit...but hurry...this exhibition ends on Sunday 20th Oct !
there are bird & animal sculptures that are a delight
and some really beautiful paintings
there are a lot of exhibits...
.but just pause for breath...
and soon you will be able to just zone in on one or two favorites...
savour them slowly...
there are sofas & chairs for pausing & waiting till ... off you go again ...
I still have several paintings and delightful sculptures in my minds eye...
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Reflecting R S Thomas' Bright Field
" I have seen the sun break through
to illuminate a small field
for a while...."
So many times over the past few months
words from this poem have echoed through my mind
I have been taken by surprise, sketched, painted
and occasionally even jotted down
the thoughts that come to me....
Dark green depths of trees in shadow
and two seagulls
glide slowly around one another.
Effortless bright wings against deep darkness.
Then the Green Waterfall:
to illuminate a small field
for a while...."
So many times over the past few months
words from this poem have echoed through my mind
I have been taken by surprise, sketched, painted
and occasionally even jotted down
the thoughts that come to me....
Dark green depths of trees in shadow
and two seagulls
glide slowly around one another.
Effortless bright wings against deep darkness.
Then the Green Waterfall:
Dense ancient
Trees, everywhere
Hillsides covered
With trees
like gigantic woolly green lambs
And sheep that
need shearing
Deep green, shaggy
Tumbling like
Over dark red
rocks in circular ravine
Down into deep
shifting patterns of dark and shade
As clouds chase
Reflecting and
enhancing one another
One moment a clear
With rocky outcrop
And small clump of
Topmost leaves catching the sunlight.
A brief glimpse,
Swallowed by
passing shadows,
Of glancing light,
luscious green depths:
Trees dancing towards the sea far below.
And we ? Do we delight
The Creator's eye,
Watching, waiting, wondering
In all this hidden beauty.
And we ? Do we delight
The Creator's eye,
Watching, waiting, wondering
In all this hidden beauty.
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Paintings People Were Intrigued By....
Lovely to see so many people at the Open Studio !
Having a wide variety of paintings, I am fascinated how people are attracted to completely different paintings...over the next few weeks I will show some of the paintings that really drew attention:
Some were struck by the misty paintings: of the Needles & views inspired by walking along the old railway from Brightlingsea, or down along Alresford Creek..
"Misty & Mystical..."
then, rather different, this one was painted using experimental glazes...in fact the whole idea was entirely experimental... I love this blown glass decanter and thought it would look beautiful in candlelight ...but I was really surprised by the weird bearded shadow that reared up against the wall, reminding me of the song "Have some Madeira me'dear..." & finding two tipsy wine glasses from a glass blowing workshop, having fun moving the candle round until I discovered these fleeting effects of reflected light when the angle was just right...
But with the room in total darkness except for one small candle, I could hardly see to paint ! So I found black paper & white chalk to make studies of the highlights...It was really exciting to see the paintings gradually emerging...and great fun thinking of the way it reflected the sense of humour in the song. ... one or two people really enjoyed this ...
Having a wide variety of paintings, I am fascinated how people are attracted to completely different paintings...over the next few weeks I will show some of the paintings that really drew attention:
Some were struck by the misty paintings: of the Needles & views inspired by walking along the old railway from Brightlingsea, or down along Alresford Creek..
"Misty & Mystical..."
then, rather different, this one was painted using experimental glazes...in fact the whole idea was entirely experimental... I love this blown glass decanter and thought it would look beautiful in candlelight ...but I was really surprised by the weird bearded shadow that reared up against the wall, reminding me of the song "Have some Madeira me'dear..." & finding two tipsy wine glasses from a glass blowing workshop, having fun moving the candle round until I discovered these fleeting effects of reflected light when the angle was just right...
But with the room in total darkness except for one small candle, I could hardly see to paint ! So I found black paper & white chalk to make studies of the highlights...It was really exciting to see the paintings gradually emerging...and great fun thinking of the way it reflected the sense of humour in the song. ... one or two people really enjoyed this ...
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Exhibition & Open Studio ... this weekend !
13 -14 Sept: Art Exhibition at St Marys Church Wivenhoe
for details: www.stmaryswivenhoe.org.uk & click Friends page
Open Studio / mini pop-up gallery 14 & 15 Sept 3-5pm
www.colchesteropenstudios.org & go to:
Artists Directory / type in "Janet Driver"
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Pyfleet Races
Pyfleet races at Brightlingsea this week...
you never know what you might see: the boats trying to get around this gaggle to keep in the race....or...one day they were all becalmed...one of those airless mornings when there was not even a whisper of a breeze ...
like to see these paintings?
then come to my open studio in September www.colchesteropenstudios.org
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Quiet Day
The begonias loved the rain (so much more refreshing than my watering can !)
and I was caught sketching when it poured...giving added texture, I suppose...?
.and in fact I found the rain refreshing too... We visited Clare Priory for a Quiet Day, and were given a a warm welcome, along with other groups there that day...I found a quiet spot on a wooden seat with centuries old ruins on one side, and prolific young pear tree on the other...but another nearby tree slowly caught my eye as I rested and relaxed into the deep silence all around...
the tree was old, gnarled, aged...and lots of dead leafless branches hung down in a tangle towards the ground...the white haired lady that looks back at me from the mirror, and who Im only just beginning to recognize as me, seemed mirrored in these branches gathering lichen...mmm... but then I began to realise there were leaves higher up...this tree, like me, was still very much alive ! But it was only as it began to rain that I noticed the fruit...
Rain suddenly pelted down, and I ran for shelter under another tree with much denser leaves and branches hanging down; a really natural umbrella... but only as I was standing underneath it, getting used to the dim light...only then did I begin to notice that under the leaves, on the inside, hidden away, this tree was bowed down with hundreds of deep blue plums...
Monday, 29 July 2013
Art & Faith : a week @ Lee Abbey
again, after a long journey...a fairly quiet weekend to absorb all the
impressions from Lee Abbey...then a busy cleaning day...and instead of feeling
my usual irritation at how dirty & dusty everywhere gets each week, I find
myself remembering a young lady singing away while she was cleaning the bathroom just
next to the one I had been using... Feeling sorry for her, I tried to joke
about her having landed the worst cleaning job today...her immediate reply: “
Oh, I love this... I’m free to sing and pray all the time... “ and off she went to clean the next loo, her
voice echoing all around me as I went on my way.
Abbey is like that somehow, filled with the God of surprises, like a refreshing
oasis for those who stay there for a few days.
Art & Faith ??? ...well, I was coming to
that...but first let me find a few photos to share with you....
...a beautiful place...but if you want to see the people ... then you must visit Lee Abbey ...
tomorrow I will find time to add Art & Faith jottings....
ART & FAITH “Seeing & Believing”: Dr Debbie Lewer
& David Rowe
I really
appreciated the balance between David’s session, focusing on one painting,
giving us time to really absorb and reflect upon it...to try and let the artist
communicate with us...and then afterwards the sessions with Debbie, who showed
us a whole range of paintings following the theme “seeing and believing”. The
slower, more meditative approach with silences seemed to enable us to think on
a deeper level when we came to look at more paintings after coffee...
And now, the joy of being able to look up
my favourites on the internet...
Wikepedia has a
copy of the Antonello: Annunciation we focused on right at the
beginning...and as soon as I found it I was struck once more by the depth of inner peace it conveys...only
the possible flutter of the pages & the poised hand reminding us of the
unseen angel...
There were so many other paintings ...where to begin ? Perhaps
with a comment someone made afterwards, walking along and noticing a patch of
grasses & wildflowers...”I shall never look at that the same way again
after seeing Durer’s Great Piece of Turf....” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Piece_of_Turf
This reminds me of Meg Stephens, a Welsh artist who painted grasses and wild flowers, hoping to show the beauty of our vanishing
natural environment.
Does God speak through art as
he does through nature?
Debbie asked...heads nodded...readings in worship echoed the paintings: e e
cummings : I thank you God for this most amazing day.... & R S Thomas’
Bright Field... & here springs into my mind Jyoti Sahi and his paintings where Christian symbolism is
shown immersed within nature...
longer you look at this painting, the more you can see ...
Deeply moving, questioning and challenging
works of art...
I cannot begin to unpack it all...
At one point I jotted down “ worship & looking at pictures both
require the same kind of attention....relaxing and waiting to see what comes
& allowing things to surface in their own good time...”
Things will continue to surface from this
Lee Abbey Week for a long time !
Monday, 24 June 2013
Palette Knife Painting
I've used palette knife now and then for various paintings, usually to drag a highlight over a darker colour,
or to paint textured rocks, as in this painting, based on rocks & spray along the Moray Firth...
I began with the rocks, and let them dry before using the knife again to give the effect of waves splashing up and spilling out all over the rocky surfaces in the foreground.
Last week I decided to have a go with a larger palette-knife painting,
based on cliffs seen whilst walking along the Dorset coast.
This time I painted the whole picture with palette-knives... not a brush in sight.
Its all painted "wet-in-wet" too...and now just drying before adding final highlights...
perhaps after watching some Wimbledon tennis !
Here is a preview detail:
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Oil Painting Tuition
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garden studio |
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small group/ individual tuition |
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Essential Oils, Part 1 & Part 2 |
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scroll down for further information |
Tuition... contact me now for autumn 2014
more details: click Tuition page on blog pages
more details: click Tuition page on blog pages
Painting 4 U ? Why
not try it and see...
group tuition
in a garden studio in Wivenhoe [ near Colchester ]
next course begins October 2014
For details click on "Tuition" page above
To register interest: email me now: janet@janetdriver.co.uk
To register interest: email me now: janet@janetdriver.co.uk
Interested in Quiet Days /
Prayer Painting ?
Email me
for details
& See
Prayer Painting page on my website: www.janetdriver.co.uk
Why not join in prayer painting for the people of Syria, Gaza, Iraq, Nigeria... Sudan... wherever / whoever you wish to pray for ...?
email me .... janet@janetdriver.co.uk
Why not join in prayer painting for the people of Syria, Gaza, Iraq, Nigeria... Sudan... wherever / whoever you wish to pray for ...?
email me .... janet@janetdriver.co.uk
Oil Painting Tuition
Colchester, Essex, UK
Sunday, 9 June 2013
News: Exhibitions & Open Studios
This summer I hope to have paintings in local Exhibitions
& to take part in
Colchester Open Studios
during weekends in September 2013
I will post dates & times when my studio will be open
September 14th & 15th weekend:
- Art Exhibition at St Mary's Church, Wivenhoe
further details: www.stmaryswivenhoe.org.uk
click on Friends of St Marys / events ... for full page details
Friday, 7 June 2013
paintings on the go...
As usual, I am working on more than one painting at the same time.
I know these look incredibly different, but they are both being developed from sketches & photos of things that interest me whilst walking along the River Colne.
There were so many misty mornings earlier on, with trees looming up in all kinds of odd shapes, which became great fun to paint.
Then came sunshine dancing off the water, so bright you could hardly bear to look...and the mirage effect looking out from Brightlingsea towards Bradwell that has always fascinated me since I first saw it years ago.
I have often stared with eyes half closed against the glare thinking ...'if only I could paint that effect...' There was nothing for it but to have a go ! Like many artists, I am rarely satisfied with the result...but then that leads to further experiments...
I read just the other day that even Monet was often dissatisfied with his paintings.
Trying to communicate something of the wonder of a fleeting moment when the light bounces off the water in such a way that you stand transfixed with the sheer beauty of dazzling light...I am trying the impossible of course...but maybe, just maybe...it might trigger a similar memory in someone...
Sunday, 19 May 2013
Unfinished Pentecostal Symphony...
for another joyful Pentecostal painting, try this link to Biblical paintings from West Africa... and then you can move through their paintings at leisure... www.jesusmafa.com
for another joyful Pentecostal painting, try this link to Biblical paintings from West Africa... and then you can move through their paintings at leisure... www.jesusmafa.com
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
The Needles, Isle of Wight
On holiday... the Needles
were often covered with misty clouds pouring down all around them. But now and then we caught glimpses, ...hints and guesses ...
These oil paintings were completed at home, after making several sketches...
I have also done a series of paintings as the light changed at dawn...the sunlight shines onto the white of the rocks , reflecting yellow, purples and blues as the sun rises through the mist. I will add these to another post one day...

Saturday, 4 May 2013
"In the beginning was the word..."
This is perhaps my best known oil painting since it was chosen as a Christmas Card in the C of E collection a few years ago and sent greetings all over the world!
To see more of my artwork click on this link
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