Friday 9 February 2024

Just a few days ago I posted a photo of a painting found in Norwich Cathedral... a painting that brought to minf a sense of awe and wonder... today, although its been pouring with rain and is still dull and overcast, I can see from my window some blossom that always gives me a great feeling of joy, together with awe and wonder that these trees can posibly be in blossom so early in the year... its only early February after all :
hazel catkins & almond blossom at the bottom of the garden... amazing how these small signs of Spring give joy and hope, even amidst the tangle of bare winter branches, and on such an overcast day with dark clouds brooding above the heavy roof of the large house beyond the hedge... for I know that when the clouds part and blue skies appear once more, these white blossoms will shine against the sky whilst the bees buzz around them and there may even be nuts later in the year

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