Monday 13 April 2015

Shades of Spring Colour

What colour do you associate with Spring ?

Yellow ?    

I painted this group of trees with gnarled old branches, grey and empty
and yet the sun was lighting upon the small new sapling in front
full of bright young leaves
and then the distant leaves on the older trees lit up against their greying branches
giving the impression of feathery yellow puffs bringing new life....

then today I noticed such different shades of yellow in crowds of primroses under shady trees

and then the brilliance of a tiny coltsfoot, originally from the Isle of Wight chalk downs near the Needles, and now almost hidden in my garden but definately making its presence felt through that glowing depth of colour...

 and the glorious yellows of daffodils with sunlight flooding through the window

but I was surprised how many shades of purple I found today

and among the leaves just emerging...two other hidden surprises

both enjoying the sunshine !

...oooh just look at those shades of green.....

what is your favorite colour this spring ???

Thursday 9 April 2015

Exhibition at Geedon Gallery until 12th April

Only 3 more days to visit 

the Geedon Gallery Exhibition !

We went down there this morning, enveloped in mist even after 11am... and were delighted... a real feast for the eyes. This gallery is a hidden gem near the Fingringhoe Wick Nature Reserve. Follow the Mersea road out of Colchester and turn left in Abberton, watching out for a small sign to the gallery down a country road on your right...
artist: Ruth Stage : egg tempera painting

I was immediately drawn towards a group of paintings by Ruth Stage; the colours drew me in, and then I was intrigued by her use of egg tempera for landscapes.
This one above is a different one to give some idea of her style, but you need to visit Geedon Gallery to see how beautiful her paintings there really are. 
There are beautiful ceramics, a group of wrens carved in walnut, playful otters in bronze

and so many oil paintings...difficult to choose one or two artists...but I loved the subtle effects & colours of Jaqueline Williams

and we almost missed a group of small paintings just near the door on our way out...
well, click & see, then visit Geedon Gallery and find Barbara Richardson's "Honesty Straw & Pots"
and enjoy all the other paintings, lino cuts, jewellery, wooden bowls...
and the view from the upstairs window across the winding river towards Mersea.

Saturday 4 April 2015

Mary of Magdala...over the years...

I've just read an article about an artist who has been going into her studio each year on Good Friday to work on something from the passion of Christ...and once an idea forms, she will begin..."the subject chooses you; you don't choose the subject. You have to remain vulnerable to what happens to you in life... You're not in control...its something other." Maggie Hambling, quoted in "Good Friday - looking east", an article by Malcolm Doney :

For me it is not so much Good Friday as Easter Day..
.I rarely have the luxury of being able to go into my studio on Easter Day itself...but around this time of year I am drawn towards John 20...the empty tomb and Mary of Magdala... 
and over the years a series has emerged...

One year, being struck by how disturbing and frightening it was to discover that the tomb was empty ... in the darkness before dawn...

  I looked more closely at Mary of Magdala and her fear that Jesus' tomb had been desecrated, 
and that this blinded her to everything except trying to find the body and bring it back for decent burial... 
I painted her distraught and weeping outside the tomb

Later on, I was struck by her courage in daring to look back inside the tomb again;

though still with the refrain going around and around in her mind: "they have taken him away, and I don't know where they have put him" 

 Another year I imagined her turning around, coming back up out of the tomb and being blinded by the brilliant light of dawn after becoming accustomed to the darkness...
.hearing someone she supposed to be the gardener...
 and here I found myself trying to convey the Risen Christ waiting with deep concern for Mary, asking why she was weeping, and waiting for the right moment to cut through her panic by simply calling her by name: "Mary"... so that she could finally recognize his voice... and in John's Gospel she immediately recognised him, saying: "Rabbouni"...

It was some months before I dared try this painting...
but eventually I knew it was being mysteriously "given" to me...

all these paintings have had that same quality...of needing to wait... sometimes to try making rough sketches to enable them to emerge from somewhere deep within...until eventually there comes a glimmer of "ah...yes... thats how I must begin..." and then, step by step...layer by layer... they have been painted...sometimes needing to wait for several days before further inspiration came...always being vulnerable, and having to "let go".

Of course this isn't the end of the story... and I am still being drawn to paint, trying to convey Mary Magdalen running to tell the disciples... and of their response...

                                                                                              and then that is only the beginning !